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Test this

Thursday, October 22, 2009

posted by .e4 Technologies, 10:20 PM | link | 0 comments |

Digium Acquires Switchvox

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Digium, the Corporate Sponsor and creator of the extremely popular Asterisk Open Source PBX has announced today that it has acquired Fourloop Technologies, makers of the Switchvox PBX.

In an interview with TMC's Tom Keating, both Digium's Bill Miller and Mark Spencer made reference to the product's future and how they might play their hand against the marketing company know in these parts as the "F" word.

"So as a contrast right, look at what Fonality did. They bought an open source project [trixbox/asterisk@home] and then turned it into a proprietary product. What we are trying to do is go the other way. Take something that started out as a fully proprietary product and to try to leverage that to bring some additional technologies into open source. That's an interesting angle that I don't think anyone has covered." Mark Spencer...

In my professional opinion, this is the greatest news to come along in a while~!

As a technologist I have had the fortunate luck of installing Switchvox and have to say that the solution really puts Trixbox in it's place.

Mike White
posted by .e4 Technologies, 7:05 AM | link | 0 comments |

Digium TDM04B

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Wildcard TDM400P is a half-length PCI 2.2-compliant card that supports FXS and FXO station interfaces for connecting analog telephones and analog POTS lines through a PC. Using Digium's Asterisk Open Source PBX software and standard PC hardware, one can create a SOHO (Small Office Home Office) telephony environment that includes all the sophisticated features of a high-end business telephone system.

The TDM400P takes the place of an expensive channel bank and brings the system price point to a low level. By using X100M and S110M modules with the TDM400P, one can create a solution with support for a range of telephones. To scale this solution, simply add additional TDM400P cards populated with modules.

Digium TDM04B:

(1) TDM400P
(4) X100M FXO Modules
(1) Year Warranty
posted by .e4 Technologies, 6:19 AM | link | 0 comments |