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Digium TDM04B

Friday, February 24, 2006

The Wildcard TDM400P is a half-length PCI 2.2-compliant card that supports FXS and FXO station interfaces for connecting analog telephones and analog POTS lines through a PC. Using Digium's Asterisk Open Source PBX software and standard PC hardware, one can create a SOHO (Small Office Home Office) telephony environment that includes all the sophisticated features of a high-end business telephone system.

The TDM400P takes the place of an expensive channel bank and brings the system price point to a low level. By using X100M and S110M modules with the TDM400P, one can create a solution with support for a range of telephones. To scale this solution, simply add additional TDM400P cards populated with modules.

Digium TDM04B:

(1) TDM400P
(4) X100M FXO Modules
(1) Year Warranty
posted by .e4 Technologies, 6:19 AM


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